
Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Your Parents Will Trust You If You Do These

Teens and adults alike has this totally normal desire to be trusted.
For teens however ,the task of getting their parents to trust them is an uphill battle.

Teen is a period of life when we all desire a little more freedom.Therefore it becomes difficult to win both freedom and the parents trust.

While the suggestions outlined in this write-up is applicable to teens,it could be just what you need to get anyone to trust you.

So let's go through these

  • Be Obedient : When you take care to follow your parents rightful lead and direction you have greater chance of winning their trust. When they offer suggestions, try to follow through or you could be sending the wrong signal 'I don't need your trust'.

Obedience is the key a child uses to open up their parents heart and expertly win their trust.

  • Saying What You Mean and Meaning What You Say: Don't get this twisted,when you as a child stick to your words and always fulfill your promises to your parents then you can win and keep their trust. If you are going over to a friend's house,let your parents know and do not change your destination.

If your parents notice that you are always truthful, there trust in you grows.

  • Keeping The Right Company: When you associate with the right people, there is a possibility that you are good. Because parents realize the effect of good friendship on their children, they will only trust their child more once they realize that he is always with the right set of people. 

  • Do Not Fight With Them Over Words (Argue With Them) : No parent wants their children to argue with them,therefore, one of the ways to win your parents trust is learning how to handle certain situations that could result in outbursts. 

Discern when it would be right to bring up a topic and also approach your parents in a respectful manner. This makes them trust you more.

  • Never Lie To Your Parents : If there's certainly anyone you should tell a lie, your parents are the last option. Lying to your parents is a quick way of selling all the trust they have in you. 

Learn to say the truth at all times. This way, your parents will always trust you and also be more inclined to believe whatever you tell them.

Now this is where it gets interesting, your parents will be inclined to grant you more freedom when they find you to be trust worthy.

Were these suggestions helpful?
Tell us in the comments section.


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