
Sunday, 16 April 2017

9 Tips To Help Improve Your Handwriting

How To Stop Writing Badly
Have you ever had to stress the eye to go through the content of a handwritten note
such as the one above?

That can unsettle you or even make you not understand or lose interest in what you are reading.
Producing a readable piece of writing could actually improve your grades and give you more confidence.

True, some students are naturally gifted at writing but with constant effort and practice,you could get really good at writing.

Easy Way To Improve Your Handwriting

1.Decide Why You Want To Improve Your Handwriting

It's important that you know exactly what you want to achieve, so you'll know what to focus on. If you  could write but not pretty well, then you'll work at improving what you already have. If on the other hand, your writing is too poor, then you'll have to start from scratch.

2.Choose The Right Pen

It's not necessary to buy a gold fountain pen with jewel studded ink before you can write well. But you should experiment till you find the type of pen or pencil that works for you. 

3.Get A Grip On The Pen 

Your pen is not a mighty sword so you need not hold it like one. You grip on the pen while writing should be light, yet supportive. 

4.Sort Your Writing Posture 

Since you're still working on improving, don't lie down while writing. Sit upright yet relaxed, with your non-writing fingers curled under your hand and your hand position really slightly under the table. Clear the table before writing, that way you'll have enough space to practice.

    Also Read : How To Pay Attention During Lectures

    5.Involve Your Shoulder 

    Your writing fingers (usually the thumb and index) should hold the pen in place and act as a guide. All the movement should come from your shoulder girdle. Move your forearm and shoulder while writing, not the wrist and fingers. 

      6.Spacing Should be Observed

      Give at least 0.1 cm space between letters and 0.3cm between words. This ensures your writing is neat and easy to go through. Try as much as you can to avoid clustering of letters and words.

      7.Gradually Increase Speed 

      Once you're confident with the muscle groups needed to write in thin air, try to write fast, faster and then as fast as you can think of.

      8.Practice At Every Opportunity 

      Take every opportunity to write with your hands instead of on a keyboard. Practice your handwriting for a few minutes each day and you should start to see improvements quite quickly.

      9.Get A Friend To Assist You

      To hasten the process, you could link up with friends or classmates who write well and get them to teach you how they do it. We'd suggest you go through their notes and perhaps try to write exactly as they do. Once you can do that, then you can revert to a different style as time goes on. 

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