
Sunday, 2 April 2017

How To Pay Attention During Lectures

How To Pay Attention During Lectures
A common struggle students face each day is that of paying attention while lectures are going on,
especially when the teacher isn't saying something they find interesting. Sometimes it feel like so much hangs on the lecture or in other cases,the students find themselves daydreaming every now and then.

Fading out during classes or lectures might not seem like a big deal to you,till you'll need an information dispensed during a class to fill an answer in an examination,Oh! you don't even know when it was given out.

Paying attenion during lectures is also a good way to become your teacher's favorite.

How To Pay Attention During Lectures

1.Prepare For Lectures

it is easier to not pay attention during lectures when you have little or no knowledge about what the teacher will be talking about.

Do the homework and required reading before going to class.Think about what you have learnt so far,this makes you feel a part of what is going on.

2.Get Away From Distraction During Lectures

Learn to move away from situations that could make you pay less attention in class.For instance, do not take your phone with you to class knowing you'll be tempted to switch those apps on,check your social network for notifications,play games etc.
Also move away from that companion that takes up too much of your attention during lectures.

3.Practice Active Listening And Communication Skills 

Active listening does not only involve hearing the words said but also processing them so you can be able to remember them.
Communication skills require you interact with your teacher during lectures,you could do this by maintain a clean eye contact,asking questions and taking notes all of which helps keep you active.

4.Get Enough Sleep Before Lectures

If you're not expecting a class to be too exciting,then attending it after depriving yourself sleep will only compound your woes.Make sure you sleep well at night and if need be, see if you can sneak in a power snap before class.That way,sleeping becomes the last thing on your mind.

Here's how to study without falling asleep

5.Eat and Drink Wisely Before Lectures

If you attend lecture too full or too hungry, then you'll have to pay for it someway.

No matter how busy you may be, make out time to get the nutrients you need.Your diet has a huge effect on your ability to pay attention.Avoid taking junks that will likely make you feel sluggish before class and also avoid skipping meals.

Listen to your body and you'll do a better job listening to lectures.

    6.Dont Miss Classes

    The less classes you miss,the more acquainted you get to paying attention to even the most boring lecture.


    Do you best to tune out of the world around you and give undivided attention to the class at hand.
    Try your best to not worry about every little noise outside the classroom.

    • Nodding your head while listening to a lecture is a great way to show that you are paying attention even when you are struggling to.So get into the habit of nodding.
    • Avoid personal discussions during classes and also do not pass notes to people as we discovered this often leads to distraction.

    Rounding Up

    The power to pay attention during lectures lies within you. Applying these simple tips listed above can help you achieve that.

    Now we're done!

    What measures do you take in other to pay attention during lectures? Please use the comments.


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