
Thursday 18 May 2017

How To Improve In School Subjects You're Not Good At

How To Improve On School Subjects
Success in any area of life endeavor involves identifying one's strengths and weaknesses.
Your life as a student is not left out. When strengths and weaknesses are evenly identified, you stand a greater chance of excelling.

There are some subjects or courses in school that you really find interesting. In fact you won't miss any of the lectures for any other thing.
There are also some other subjects however that you feel very happy when the teacher isn't in school. In fact, you just wish they were not part of the school curriculum.

While a perceived interest in some subjects is not a crime, ignoring others is something close to it.

Here are some ways to improve your grades in subjects you don't like or not too good at :

1.Build Passion and Be Committed 

You will find it difficult to succeed in any of the subjects if you continue to hate it. Root out your hatred or dislike by gradually growing passion for it. Passion is a strong affection or enthusiasm for an object or concept. Be courageous to face the subject no matter how hard it may seem. In order to develop zeal for a subject, we advice you allocate special time to thinking about how the subject could help you improve as a person, as well as in other subjects. If you use a study schedule, give greater number to such a subject. 

2.Stay Around Healthy Company 

If you know where you are going, your road is short. If you know how to get their, your road is shorter. If you know someone who has been there and is willing to lead you, you are already there.Your journey to conquering apathy towards a subject could be a lot easier if you're in close association with folks in class who are efficient in the subject. Ask them how they manage to do it as their experience may be just what you need to get going. Get one of them to teach you.
You can help them with another subject they aren't good at.In fact,that would be a partnership that would prove beneficial at the long run.

3.Have A Target 

Set daily, weekly or monthly goals to help you get serious about what you are doing.

Reaching any of those goals as time goes on will give you more confidence and focus.
For instance,if you're working on mathematics,you could tackle one or two problems daily,a topic per week and five topics each month.Since you're just cultivating interest, do not feel discouraged when you don't achieve some set goals. Never give up. Try Again!

4.Teach What You Learnt 

You'll find it easier to remember what you have studied when you make out time to teach others what you have learnt. If you have junior students which we presume, then they would be your best student.Try to explain what you have learnt to their clear understanding and allow room for questions as this would give you room to study more so you can always deliver.

We strongly believe applying these strategies will help you beat any feelings of apathy towards the subject.Now get to work!


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