
Thursday 27 July 2017

5 Signs You Can Become A Great Lawyer

You have that hunch that you can become a great lawyer
but just needs some sort of confirmation. That may perhaps be the reason why you clicked this post link. Well, let's see if you really got it!

So many individuals have succeeded in building up successful law firms both offline and online.

Online? Yes! LegalZoom and Mollaei Law are perfect examples of online law firms that offer great value to clients.

Read Sam Mollaei's Story

You also get to see offline law firms every now and then. But are they really that successful?
You sure wouldn't like to settle for average.

Your success in the field of law depends on some really incredible qualities you may already have, or working towards.

If you can identify with these signs however, then you just might be the next Andrew Humphrey or Sam Mollaei.

Signs You Can Become A Great Lawyer

1.Possession Of Analytical Skills

This is one thing every professional lawyer have in their toolkit.

Making use of available information to reach sensible conclusions or solve both complex and simple problems is a great sign you could become a great lawyer.

Picking up the reasons why a certain challenge has arisen and prescribing practical suggestions to help put an end to it is not something everyone does.

2.Public Speaking

Can you speak confidently even under perceived threat?  If yes, then that's a green light.

It may not be the same as speaking in a law court but there's this aura that comes with it.

Coming to the defence of people when they are afraid to speak up, instills some confidence and makes you feel proud. It's one of those things lawyers do for their clients every time.

So if you can do it right now, then you must do it on a grand scale by pursuing a law career.

3.Sound Judgement

What would you do if your younger sibling got back from school complaining that she was beaten up by a classmate or teacher ?

Would you immediately develop ill feelings for the other person, or show perspicacity by asking your sibling tenaciously for full details about the incident?

A great sign you could become a great lawyer includes passing judgement that is uninfluenced by emotions or prejudice.

If your sense of justice is beclouded because you're on the wrong side of a judicial case, then sorry, you're still way off from making a great lawyer.

4.Passion For Law

This trait talks about how you really feel about the course or career you want to pursue. Are you being forced to dive into the field? Or is it just something your gut tells you is right ?

A strong interest in court charges, past judicial cases, biography of successful lawyers and law books is a sign that you can succeed in the field.

You might wonder how pertinent being passionate about 'law is'.

A toddler could fall over three times, just to get a candy from a table. What keeps the baby going ?

'Love for the candy!'.

Now you have a clear picture.

Passion for the course becomes a driving force when you'll begin to face the challenges and tests that of course, is peculiar in every field (law included) .

Your passion for law is just as important as the knowledge you'll need to acquire to become a great lawyer. You should start looking elsewhere if you do not really love 'Law'.

5.Excellence In Law Related Issues

Did you hear Mr Aristotle say that 'excellence is a habit'?

It clearly is ,one of those primary habits that determines how committed you are to what you can do.

If you repeatedly excel in law related courses for college students like Government, History, Constitutional Studies or Logic, then we can effectively conclude, though not being prophets, that you can become a great lawyer.


Now you have what you were searching for!
Do not feel discouraged if you wish to pursue a career in law but do not have all the traits listed above.

Every good thing takes time, including development of some abilities that will aid your law career.

Work smart to incorporate these traits, so you can hit the ground running as soon as possible.

On the other hand If you possess all these
traits, you have the perfect prerequisites to become a great lawyer. Do not hesitate!

Go! Go! Go!

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