
Wednesday 9 August 2017

Introducing Entrepreneurship Education Subjects On Innovative Future

Innovative Future introduces Entrepreneurship education subjects
We are pleased to announce that a new tab E.E (entrepreneurship education)
has been added to our website to enable senior secondary school students develop entrepreneurial skills.

In June 2014, WAEC issued a new directive for senior secondary school students sitting for the annual examination to integrate four core subjects English, Mathematics, Civic Education and Trade/Entrepreneurial Studies in the list of subjects to be sat for.

A total of 39 subjects were introduced and the latest development on Innovative Future mean students will get free access to a comprehensive note on core lessons(topics) of our newly introduced subjects.

  • Cosmetology
  • Catering Craft practice
  • Marketing

(An annex of subjects will follow subsequently)

Guide To Entrepreneurship Education Lessons

Each subject would begin with an introductory topic while other topics follow suit.

Every lesson will be written in concise English with a combination of lexicons precise to a particular entrepreneurship subject.

For every lesson , a list of revision questions will be tailed in, to remind you of sterling points.

Attempt these questions after going through each lesson.

Entrepreneurship Education Credibility

An approved syllable have been employed by our entrepreneurship education admin ,to ensure you are sufficiently prepared for WAEC's annual exams.

Entrepreneurship Education Post Frequency

Every week, a single entrepreneurship subject lesson will be published for our esteemed readers. Always check the home page or entrepreneurship education tab (E.E) to guarantee you do not miss out.

Innovative Future continues to grow.

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