
Thursday 7 September 2017

Professional Ethics In Cosmetology

Professional ethics in cosmetology

  • Definition of professional ethics 
  • Good Ethics In Cosmetology 
  • Qualities Of A Good Cosmetologist 
  • Poor Ethics In Cosmetology
  • Exercises 

Ethics is a branch of philosophy dealing with values pertaining to human conduct, considering the rights and wrongs of an action as well as the good and bad of the motives and outcome of such actions.
Professional ethics has to do with the norms, values and principles that guides a profession and the major decisions made within the profession.

It can also be explained as the rule governing the conduct, transactions and relationship within a profession and it's public's .
It can thus, be rightfully said that the professional ethics in cosmetology are norms, values and principles that guides cosmetology and the major decisions made in cosmetology.


While addressing the professional ethics in cosmetology, there are good and poor ethics,

Any notable improvements by a cosmetologist is readily attributed to the practice of good ethics, while any deficiencies are drifts from the good ethics, otherwise called poor ethics.


These are right professional ethics in cosmetology that are hallmarks of a good cosmetologist.

Some of these good ethics include;

Self Motivation

This is an ability required to satisfy a desire, expectation or goal solely without being influenced by others. 
This is  earmarked as a good ethic because it fires up the determination one has to become a good cosmetologist.

Positive Attitude

This is important for it requires one to assess his own work to find strength and weaknesses.

A positive attitude towards every challenge a cosmetologist faces, is the first step taken towards solving it.


This is the tutor behind the scene, it helps you persevere even when you think you are not achieving your aims.

When determination comes into play, a dying motivation is revived edging up your morale.


Since there are bound to be new improvements in cosmetology products and procedures, a good cosmetologist should possess the ability to incorporate these changes into their work.


Every good cosmetologist gets to work on time and endeavors to keep any appointments with a client.

Qualities Of A Good Cosmetologist

Every successful cosmetologist must posses these good qualities, so that they do not get kicked out of business.

  • Colour and style perception
  • Creativity
  • Skilled at customer service
  • Good grooming
  • Knowledgeable standards
  • Good Manuel dexterity
  • Pleasant personality


There are poor professional ethics  cosmetology that should never come into play because this downplays the good qualities one possesses as a good cosmetology.

Lack Of Creativity

Some cosmetologists lack the creative ability required .
Hence they tend to be copyists who never invent any thing other than what is already in the system. 
They in turn looses their patronizers and in this case progress is not an option.


Cosmetologists who suffer from this poor ethical issue are always sleeping on duty or sluggish towards work.

Cosmetologists who lack the diligence to attend to a host of clients will never make it to the top of the pile.

Loss Of Focus

Many a cosmetologists tend to forget their foremost priority (to become a successful cosmetologist). 
They easily get distracted by what goes on around them.

For instance, most salons tends to form the habit of gossiping either with clients or passersby, thereby making another matter other than work their priority.


To enjoy a successful professional career as a cosmetologist, one must always imbibe good ethics and monitor any minute growth of poor ethical behavior.

Exercise On Professional Ethics in Cosmetology

1.Define professional ethics in cosmetology
2.How does lack of creativity affect a cosmetologist.


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