
Thursday 23 November 2017

CCP - Food Preparation Methods

Food Preparation Methods used by caterers
Food can rightly be said to be any unharmful substance a human consumes for satisfaction.

While cooking can be defined as the transfer of energy directly or indirectly from heat source to a food.

The processes a raw food goes through before it becomes fit for consumption is called food preparation.

Food preparation is a skill everyone would need at some point, so here are some basic methods you should practice.

Methods Of Food Preparation

1. Boiling

This is a method where heat is applied indirectly to the food following the help of a pot.
In a lay man's understanding can be said to be when food is covered in water in stock and when heated, the liquid starts to bubble vigorously.
The source of heat can be from boiling unit of gas, electric cooker, braziers etc.

Foods that can be boiled include; Rice, Beans, Yam, Fish, Meat, Egg etc.

Advantages Of Boiling

  • It's a quick method of cooking.
  • It is convenient.
  • It adds flavor to food.
  • Its a healthy method of cooking.
  • It is labor saving.

2. Frying

A method of cooking where food is initially cut into pieces and are immersed in hot oil or fat, the oil or fat penetrates the food and makes it edible.

Foods that can be fried include; Fish, Meat, Egg, Yam, Plantain, Potato etc.

Here are some forms of frying ;

Deep frying
This is a process whereby food is wholly immersed in hot oil to cover the food. Some foods of this type include; meat, fish, chin-chin, plantain, doughnut.

Shallow frying
This is a method of frying food in a small quantity of preheated oil in a shallow pan. This is done to brown food and give it an attractive flavor.

Dry frying
This a method used for foods that contain fat already, foods such as pork, bacon, sausage, herrings.

 Advantages Of Frying

  • It's a quick method of cooking.
  • It makes food tasty.
  • It prevents logs of solute nutrient.


This is a method of cooking food with dry heat in an enclosed space (often oven).
The air with the enclosed space is heated up to the required temperature (150°C - 250°C). The heated air does the cooking.

Foods that can be baked include; Bread, Cakes, Biscuits, Pastries, pudding.

Advantages Of Baking

  • It develops flavor already in the food.
  • Many food items can be baked at a time.
  • It saves kerosene and time.
  • No nutrient is lost.

Oven Chart For Baking
Very hot: 230 - 260°C
Hot: 200 - 230°C
Moderately hot:150 - 200°C
Slow : 120 - 150°C

4. Grilling

This is a method of cooking food either over, under or in front of a smokeless fire. It can also be done beneath the glowing reflection of a gas or electric grill.
This method requires constant attention or monitoring.

Foods that can be grilled include; Meat, Fish, Chicken parts, Plantain, sausage etc.

Advantages Of Grilling

  • It is a quick method of cooking.
  • Grilled foods are easily digested.
  • It is a healthy method of cooking.

5. Roasting

This is a cooking done in dry heat over a glowing fire or in heated sand or in an oven. Foods that can be roasted include; Plantain, Yam, Potato, Fish.

Advantages Of Roasting

  • It develops good flavor in food.
  • It's a quick and easy method of cooking.

6. Steaming

This is a method of cooking through moist steam from boiling liquid. This method can be carried out above 100°C.

During the process, water does not touch the food being steamed. The steam's heat is enough to do the cooking.Food can be wrapped and placed aloft the water or using a bowl.

Foods that can be steamed include; Meat, Fish, Pudding, Egg, Custard etc.

Advantages Of Steaming

  • Steamed foods are light and can be easily digested.
  • Food nutrients are conserved.
  • Saves time.
  • Suitable for young children.

7. Stewing

This is a slow and long method of cooking with an appropriate quantity of liquid in a covered saucepan below the point of 90 - 80°C.

Foods under this method should be cut into pieces in order for nutrients to be absorbed.

Advantages Of Stewing

  • It's easily digested.
  • The flavors are retained.
  • Saves time and makes food tender.


  • Try out all the methods of cooking in a kitchen.


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