
Friday 17 November 2017

Grammar Study - Understanding The Prepositions

Understanding Prepositions On Grammar Study
Prepositions are words which express the relationship between two entities
which may be nouns or pronouns in the same sentence.

Prepositional words include 'in','at','under','inside','outside', 'behind','towards', 'below', 'about', 'after', 'upon', 'onto' etc. These words however fall into different types of prepositions.

Types Of Preposition

1.Prepositions For Place 

This form of preposition uses the words 'at', 'in','under', 'on' and many other words to refer to different types of places.

At - used to represent a specific place
Under-used to represent a place below an object
On- used to represent a surface
In- used to represent a place that has a virtual boundary

Sentence Examples

1.There was a large crowd at the bus stop
2.He kept his mobile phone on the table
3.The school bag is under the table.
4.We convened in a hall for the meeting
5.The boys were running on the road before the incident.

2.Prepositions For Time

These prepositions are used to refer to the different time aspects. 
Months or years, a particular time of the day, a time in the past, a date or even the time of a clock.
'At' ,'On' and 'In' also serves as prepositions for time.

Sentence Examples
1. I was born in 1980
2.The event will start at 8pm
3.My cousins will travel on 30th October
4.We will travel away in the summer
5.He pleaded guilty on the first day of trial.

3.Prepositions For Direction

These prepositions tell the direction of a person or an object in a sentence. Frequently used words include 'to', 'towards','through','into'.

Sentence Examples
1.The lady is coming towards me
2.They went to the airport.
3.His car fell into the river.
4.The criminal fled through the window.
5.The teacher just went into the classroom.

4.Prepositions For Instruments or Devices

These prepositions are used for joining nouns to other objects in a sentence. Frequently used words include 'on' 'by' 'with' 'through' as well as other prepositional phrases such as 'with the help of', 'along with' etc.

Sentence Examples
1.He opened the lock with the key.
2.She travelled with her luggages,
3.John went home by a car.
4.I went through the back door.
5.She climbed the wall with the help of a ladder.

5.Prepositions For Agents

These prepositions are used to express a relationship between the noun and an action (verb) in a sentence.

'By' and 'with' are commonly used.

Sentence Examples

1.The English textbook was written by our teacher.
2.She was beaten up by her parents
3.The kids made a lot of noise with their music.
4.The task was finished by him.


A clear understanding of prepositions make reading and writing of the English grammar easier and comprehensible, as you can easily determine the relatiosnhip between the different words which make up a sentence or paragraph.

Test Your Knowledge Of Prepositions

Identify non prepositional words in this list

  1. Between
  2. Continue
  3. Ahead
  4. Beneath
  5. Visit
  6. Confront
  7. Through
  8. Dense
  9. Contrast
  10. Below


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