
Thursday 7 December 2017

Teachers Are Not Difficult To Get Along With - Teachers Share Their Thought

Featured teachers on teacher-student initiative
Have you ever sought for a simple trick to help you get along with every teacher?

Teachers share their thoughts on the first feature of our teacher-student initiative on how this can be achieved.

Miss Daphne Chiamaka Okezikam has practically been a teacher for two years at Shepherd Light Model Academy located at No 80 Obohia road, Aba, Abia State.
She is a teacher of English language and Literature-in-English for secondary school students.

Here's what she has to say in an interview with Innovative Future.

Innovative Future

What would be the ideal class condition for you?

Miss Daphne 

I would love not less than and not more than a reciprocative class

Innovative Future

What number of students would make for an ideal classroom experience?

Miss Daphne

The ideal classroom experience is not determined by the numbers.
A classroom with two smart and outspoken students serves more delight than a crowd of unresponsive students.
In other words, When a class is made up of enthusiastic students, the experience is incomparably ideal regardless of population.

Innovative Future

Okay, that's well said.
What exactly do you want from each student during a class?

Miss Daphne

To listen with rapt, undivided attention, get the point of the lecture and be able to defend confidently the topic taught when called upon anytime, any day.

Innovative Future

That's super simple and we believe every thoughtful student can afford that.

How, then, do you deal with a case where a particular child spends a lot of time in class but finds it difficult to learn?

Miss Daphne

That's ironic.
Well if this unusual case pops up, it undoubtedly means that category of student needs more attention in the form of private tutorials.

Hence, for a start, I would commend the child for his purported effort
Next, we can review possible reasons why he/she isn't following up in classes.

From this discussion, we could work out measures to meet the needs of such student.
This requires a lot of patience and is one of the most interesting facets of being a teacher.

Innovative Future

Patience and understanding play a big role. They are traits every teacher needs to successfully train a child.

Thanks for that!

Now, what role would you expect the child's parents to play,  in other to improve their children's performance and ease your workload?

Miss Daphne

I have been anticipating this question as child's educational life is void without the parent's contributions.

A teacher's effort to train a child could end up in sheer futility when the parents are lax.

Parents are by virtue the greatest contributors to a child's educational well being.
Although contrary to the current situations in Africa and especially Nigeria, I think the workload would be shared with parents doing the greater job. 

A parent should start at infanthood to teach their children at home, equip them with necessary school requisite viz: notebooks, textbooks, pens, pencils, erasers and others.

Punctuality, regularity, seriousness, and devotion to their educational life are habits parents are to instill in their child.
If this is coupled with active participation in their child's education, the efficacy is truly exceptional.

Innovative Future
Parents are the pillars and should definitely get involved. That's right!

Rounding up, what advice would you leave for the student-teacher community worldwide?

Daphne Chiamaka Shepherd light model academy Aba

Miss Daphne Chiamaka

Teaching should not be viewed as solely an occupation to make a livelihood.
Teachers would be better off if they consider teaching a privilege.

A teacher is a leader. It's a work by virtue of loyalty. A teacher could be intelligent in all ramification, but still, he\she cannot make the right impact on a child. But a skillful teacher can thrive and get good results by taking every student as his/her own child. 
When a teacher employs this phenomenon, it will actively create the overflowing desire to do his/her best.

For the students, they are the shadow of the teachers. They are the reflection of the teachers. They should crown their teachers'  efforts by ensuring they become malleable. 

They should be studious, serious, punctual and regular to school. They should hang their ear's on the teacher's lips during lectures. In this way, they will be a product of excellence to their parents, teachers, school and the society at large. 
They do have the ball is in their court and must choose to bask in excellence or make the reverse the case. 


Innovative Future

What a way to wrap it up.
It's been a wonderful time with you, thanks for sharing your thoughts on this platform!

Up Next!

Mr. Alabi Stephen has been the Mathematics tutor for Estreal Model College, Ntabo Ijoko, Ota, Ogun State since 2014 and gave us a few insights that would be helpful in improving the relationship between teachers and students.

Innovative Future

What would be the ideal class condition for you, Mr. Alabi?
What number of students would make for an ideal classroom experience?

Mr Alabi

Well, I don't like crowds, so I'll prefer a class of 12 to 15...

Innovative Future

That's great. That way, everyone can get involved. 
Now, what do you exactly want from each student during a class?

Mr Alabi

Their attention, if I can get that, the rest is assured.. It is attention that births feedback.. That's why before I teach any subject I somewhat start with a kind of joke, story or my magic tricks.. If I can get their attention, I believe everything else will fall in place.

Innovative Future

How do you deal with a case where a particular child spends a lot of time in class but finds it difficult to learn?

Mr Alabi

I review the teaching approach.. Mark out time to teach her one on one. Try to make her learn from her friends. There are many ways I can try to help such student and believe me, I won't stop, until what I'm trying to communicate has been understood.

Innovative Future

That requires a lot of patience and understanding.

Mr Alabi

Exactly! Those are traits every teacher must possess.

Innovative Future

Moving on, what role would you expect the child's parents to play,  in order to improve their performance and ease your workload?

Mr Alabi

First, I'd like to say the training of the child is absolutely the parents' responsibility and it is not transferable, no not to the school, not even the society. A child only educated at school to me is illiterate. The parents' role cannot be overemphasized in the life of the students...

The parents are expected to:

  • morally bring up the child so he/she won't constitute a nuisance and so that he/she can be simple, obedient and teach.
  • check the notes of the students, make sure they are up to date, marked, and scored.
  • ask questions about the child's day at school, challenges or successes.
  • collaborate with the school and teachers.
  • and many more...

Innovative Future

Your advice for the student-teacher community worldwide

Mr Alabi

My advice would be to try adopting teaching through entertainment. Students learn best by playing...
I've tried bringing entertainment into mathematics and I've also written books that address it...

Mentally Calculate It: available for download on Apple iBooks
Mentally calculate It by Alabi Stephens

and Mathematical Thaumaturgy: also available for download on Apple iBooks

Mathematical Thaunaturgy by Alabi Stephens

Innovative Future

It has been fabulous getting in touch with you. Thanks for being part of this initiative.

Great teachers who are poised to share their thoughts on this initiative teachers who are interested in being a part of this survey are to send their contact details which must contain

  • Full names
  • Location
  • School
  • Class(es) being handled
  • Phone Number

via email to Innovativefutureblog@gmail.com

Be a part of this initiative and impact the student community!


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