
Monday 5 February 2018

Where To Do Online Research After Lectures

Where to do online research after lectures
Successful scholars are those who perfectly understood the fact that learning does not end in the classroom or lecture hall. They know this and take the bull by the horn by doing a lot of research after lectures.

Designating some time to engage in intensive and extensive research is undoubtedly beneficial for the following reasons

  • It's an easy way to review and store information quickly.
  • You get an advanced knowledge of the study topic
  • You can assess the quality of the lecture you have received
  • Comprehending the next lecture is made easy.

We bet you knew these benefits are real and give you an edge over other students, but the little question we're going to tackle in this post is the best places to do some research after the classroom work has ended.

1. Google Search

This would always be in first place, considering the fact that the world has gone digital and Google seems to have just about the answer to any question you can key in.

Just head to google.com and type in the keyword for the topic that you just learned about. Google will provide you with a comprehensive list of web pages that has relevant content.
This is just one of the six ways Google can help a student.

The glitch with using Google for research is the fact that you could eventually get bombarded with a lot of information that it becomes difficult the decipher exactly what you need.

To get the wheels running, before you log on to Google, outline exactly the information you're going to search for and resist the urge to devour every link you see on the search engines result page.

This way, you get the best information in a sufficient quantity. Research is done.

2. Wikipedia

Wikipedia is one of the biggest information banks on the internet. They have an article on almost any topic you can think of, this is the reason why you will always see them on the first line of Google's search results.

Wikipedia is even more awesome for online research because of the extensive internal linking strategy that makes it easy for you to immediately access loads of information from a single page.

So, the next time you want to do online research after lectures, head to Wikipedia.com and type in your query.

3.World Reader

This is an online bookstore that grants you access to textbooks that you may not be able to find in your locale or country.


Yes! World reader has the best collection of fiction, science, technology, political and religious books.

You know the best part, access to world reader is free. So if you're looking to save yourself the stress of visiting a library to search for books, you can simply visit worldreader.org on your mobile or download the Worldreader app from Google's play store and get unlimited access to the best books in digital format.


Quora is more like a discussion platform that allows you to ask and receive answers to your questions. These answers are provided by other members of the community, and you can also contribute your thoughts when other users ask questions.

Simply go to quora.com, sign up and create a profile, then the next time you need to do some research, visit your dashboard and drop your questions. You can expect to get real answers and explanations.

5. YouTube

Okay, If you're not a fan of reading lengthy text on your mobile screen, then you'll definitely get around with the numerous videos available for free on YouTube.

YouTube has detailed videos for just about any topic you can think of and is the go-to place if you ever wish to learn and research new things quickly.

Who doesn't know how to get to YouTube?

It's by logging on to YouTube.com and then using the search bar to quickly access the video that has the information you seek, by typing in your keyword.

Rounding Up

Now, there are loads of other places where students can do research online after lectures but these are the easiest to use and all of them requires no penny, except of course your mobile data connection.

What are you waiting for?

Share with your friends now and let them know you've found a piece of information that they need.

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