
Saturday 16 September 2017

Emeka's Story - How Dangerous Cultism Is (Episode 3)

'It's obvious you now understand why I wanted you to join us before now.

Ete and his crew would never had robbed your father if you were a part of us.
You know they fear the Black Cats'! Abit boasted.

Preparations for Emeka's initiation was swiftly made by Abit before the day ran out.

During his initiation, a sharp knife was used to cut his wrist open while every already existing member of the 'Black cats' sucked his blood from the opening.

Click on this link if you missed Episode 2

Emeka was really in a lot of pain but managed to manly keep calm.
When a child pours cold water on himself, it doesn't make him shiver.

He was really in to get his revenge on Ete and was ready to do whatever it would take.

He got home that day really weak. Having managed to suppress his conscience in other to do what he clearly knew was wrong, he was hurting emotionally. Physically, he was weak from loosing a lot of blood.

He slept earlier than usual and woke up later than usual.

As the saying goes, no one knows a child a child better his mother.
Emeka's mother had noticed his son was becoming more dispirited as the days go by. She knew something was wrong with him, but couldn't figure out exactly what it was.

Emeka's Story - How Dangerous Cultism Is (Episode 1)

She decided to spy on him by checking on him earlier than usual in the morning. 
Emeka was nursing the cut on his wrist when his mother barged in.

'What happened to your wrist? Emeka's mother asked with a tear already in her eye.

'It's nothing' Emeka quickly replied as he tried to conjure up a lie. He wasn't used to this type of life, or he would have thought of something before now.

The mother was already doing the cleaning and dressing of the cut when Emeka finished preparing his little lie.

'I got injured working at the school farm. Another student unintentionally gave me this cut. He didn't do it on purpose.
The first aid teacher has already cleaned the wound at the school clinic. So I'm absolutely fine.

His mother was concerned on how to get the wound off his son's hand. She wasn't even paying attention to his made up story.

Emeka was pleased as his mom left the room. He has passed the first hurdle but never knew there were even higher hurdles on the track.

Want to know?
The final episode comes up next weekend.

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