
Saturday 9 September 2017

Emeka's Story - How Dangerous Cultism Is (Episode 2)

Dangers of cultism
At school the next day, Emeka summoned up the needed courage and walked up to Ete. 

'I saw you at that raid yesterday and I'm here to get my father's  ..'

A wicked slap had landed on his right cheek before he could complete his speech. 

Ete pushed and asked him to leave his sight at once. 

Emeka hurried out of the classroom ,got a piece wood and rushed back to attack Ete. 
A fight ensued and even before some real blows had been exchanged, they found themselves in the Principal's office. 

The principal who knew that Ete was a bad boy, could do nothing but free him. 

Who wants to be attacked? 

Emeka on the other hand was beaten with 12 strokes of the cane. 

He cried excruciatingly as the strokes landed his buttocks. He was only seeking for justice and this is what he gets.

As he left the principals office, Emeka believed there was only one way to get justice for what Ete had done to him. 

Why You Should Not Join Cults

'I would join a cult, more powerful than where Ete belongs. That way, I can pay him back with his own coin', he muttered to himself.

Just immediately, the words of his father recurred,

'Do not make any rash decisions because of what has happened today. Justice will prevail'.

'I have been patient and won't continue to be, till I get my head chopped off by these guys'. 

Emeka met with Abit who has been on pressurizing him to join his own cult group. 
Emeka helps Abit with his exams and for the first time since they cut across each other, it was Emeka who had to demand something from Abit. 

'I am ready to join the 'Black cats' - Emeka spoke softly into his ears. 

Just in case you missed the first episode


1 comment:


Keep it on pals,this is great

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