
Monday 4 September 2017

How To Prepare For A New Academic Session

How To Prepare For A New Academic Session
Holidays are over! Your early morning alarm clock is probably about to get back to work.

Time to get back to those school books (that's  if you were not studying during the holidays),meet up with your friends and foes at school and get right back into your normal routine.

The thoughts of moving to a new class ,getting acquainted to new teachers or even a new school seems exciting to some students but scary to some others.

On a scale of 1-10%, how ready are you for the new academic session? 

We are sure you remember the story of the man that left home without a destination in mind? He obviously ended up no where and we are sure you wouldn't love ending up nowhere at the end of the new term at a new class.

Proper preparation prevents poor performance. So, we've outlined some steps to help you get ready for the new academic session.


1.Review The Past Term

We believe this is really the first step to getting better this new session.

To help you review the previous term, provide answers to the questions below.

What were the high and low points of the previous term? 

What did you really achieve? 

Who were your most influential friends? Which were your best subjects? 

Which subjects did you make the lowest grades in?

Your sincere answers to these questions should serve as a stepping stone to what your ambitions for the new term will be.

2.Review Past Term/Class Lessons

You are definitely going to be introduced with new topics, but a vague memory of the previous term/class lessons will only make the work of learning more difficult for you.

Your holiday would have been a perfect opportunity to do this, but since it's almost over, now is the right time to get back to your books.

3.Get The Required Items

All the stationery you need for the new term and class should be made available before school resumes.
Here is a list of stationary items you might need

  • Textbooks (schools provide a comprehensive list of books you will need for your new class)
  • Exercise Books
  • Pen and Pencils
  • Complete mathematical set
  • Scientific Calculator etc

Also,if your school uniform, bag,shoe or sandal needs repair, now is the time to do that. Do not wait for the rush hour.

We also suggest you purchase any new items as soon as possible, as there is always a hike in price of school stationery once the holidays are over.

Early purchase saves you some coins!

4.Ready Your Fees

This work is for your parents or sponsors but you can contribute a big deal to getting it done more quickly.

You could assist them with their work/job over the holidays or do menial tasks to get some money to help pay your fees.

Remember, your parents find it a lot easier to pay your school bills when you've done your best to please them over the holidays.

5.Set Your Goals For The New Session.

Successful people always thrive on goals, therefore set your targets for the new session.

You could work on your grades, relationship with teachers or any other area where you performed poorly the previous term.

An example of a goal you could set is improving your total average grade from 89.5 to any figure above that.
Improving your grades in Physics and Mathematics are also clear goals for science scholars.

Remember, whatever goals you set should be realistic (achievable).

Here is a comprehensive list of goals you could set for the new session.

6.Be Positive and Properly Motivated

You can do this by reflecting on what you were able to achieve at the conclusion of the last session. This will give you confidence that you can achieve even far greater things.

You could also do a quick review of your reason for going to school.

Meeting up with friends and other school activities are really cool,but should not be your top reason for being in school.

You're in school to learn and that is what should always be your foremost incentive.


School can really be fun and purposeful if you get prepared now.

We believe you're good to go for the new session if you can follow the above steps.

Innovative Future wishes you the best!


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