
Tuesday 17 October 2017

6 Simple Tricks To Help You Become Your Teacher's Favorite

Teacher's favorite on Innovative Future
Making good grades and improving as a student comes a lot easier when you are your teacher's favorite
or at least enjoy a close relationship with them.

That doesn't come easy either!

Did you know?

With the exception of cases where teachers are naturally attracted to certain students, it is the behavior, attitude or abilities of the student that makes a teacher give them special attention.

Well ,that doesn't sound fair right? Especially when you really don't have a clue on how to get a little bit of their attention.

While the task might seem difficult,we've come up with six proven and simple tricks to help you become your teachers favorite.

Let's get rolling!

Six Simple Tricks To Help You Become Your Teacher's Favorite

1.Being Prompt To Classes

You teacher will put you on the blacklist ,if you always show up in classes when lectures are already on. 
If on the other hand, they notice you attend virtually all classes and on time,they are likely to pick a sincere interest in you,making it easier for you to be fully involved during classes.

2.Asking Discreet Questions During Classes

This shouldn't be so systematic or your queries are bound to get boring or baseless at some point.
Ask questions related to what the teacher is talking about and at times when you think they would be willing to give you the answers you seek.

If you're the shy type, then this could be done after classes.
But a student who asks questions in class is likely to win the heart of the teacher, as it is an indication that you are a part of the ongoing lesson.

If you naturally develop the desire to learn more, then you could be on the way to gaining more wisdom as well as a little attention from your teachers.

3.Assuming A Class Responsibility

You know the teacher's favorite student? Well, this is what they do perfectly to endear themselves to the teachers.
Teachers are likely to love students who take on certain duties or responsibilities in class even when they are not to be penalized for avoiding such duties.
Answering a difficult question posed by the teacher or doing a menial job in class could be a great way to do this.

4.Being Studious 

Prepare for lectures and take down notes during classes.

Class teachers can easily spot studious scholars by the quality of questions asked by the student in class and also your performance in a class test or an examination.

Being studious gives you an edge in this aspect and could earn you a healthy relationship with your teacher.

5.Being Outspoken 

When you are able to express yourself without mincing words and also get involved in classes,you will learn more while also building an excellent student-teacher relationship.

This doesn't mean you should turn talkative by trying to say something even when you have nothing really important to say.

While some are quiet and dull in nature,an outspoken student easily sway a lecturers heart.

6.Buy Them Gifts

Everyone love sincere gifts and teachers are no exception. 

You could get them a gift on a Teacher's Day Anniversary or any other time you feel they will be disposed to accept them.

This doesn't mean you're trying to buy them over, but an indication that you value and appreciate their efforts.
A gift card or a simple message of gratitude might be the first step!
Teacher Appreciation Quotes On Innovative Future

Do not give gifts ,just before you have to seek their assistance or it would be no different from a bribe.

What You Stand To Gain As A Teacher's Favorite Student

  1. Special attention during classes
  2. Improved grades
  3. Private tutorial classes at little or no cost.
  4. Support in coping with school challenges such as a bully or a cumbersome class project.
  5. In some cases, financial support.


Now you really have to start from somewhere!
Your teachers can actually become your best friends and close confidant if you can master this simple tricks.
If other tricks have worked for you,please leave them in the comments.

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