
Wednesday 11 October 2017

8 Quick Facts About Monkeypox

QUick facts about Monkeypox
In  the wake of Nigeria battling it's second ravaging disease in three years
(Ebola 2014), Science corner brings you eight (8) facts about the latest deadly disease.

What is Monkeypox ?

Monkeypox is the term used to describe a zoonosis virus which is transmitted to humans from animals. This monkeypox virus manifests symptoms similar to smallpox but has been said to be milder when compared to the later which was eradicated in 1980.

8 Quick Facts About MonkeyPox


The monkeypox virus can be spread from animal to human and from human to human.
Human to animal transmission is only possible through an animal bite or a direct contact with fluids from an infected animal.
Human to human transmission is possible through intimate contact with infected injury opening or use of objects already infected with body fluids of an infected individual.


The first case of human monkeypox was a 9 year-old boy in Zaire (Now Democratic Republic of Congo).


Monkeypox sporadilcally occurs primarily in Central and West Africa owing to the presence of tropical forests which habour potentially infected animals. It has however one reported case of outbreak outside Africa, precisely in the United States in 2003. A giant gambian rat which infected praire dogs. 71 cases were reported with no fatalities.


Animal species such as rope squirrels,gambian rats, striped mice, dormice as well as some primates are natural hosts of the virus.


There is no specific treatment pills or vaccines for monkeypox but the use of vaccines designed for smallpox control has proven 85% effective for controlling the virus in cases of an outbreak.

Will a cure for the virus be discovered soon?


Globally, there has only been a mere 10% death rate in recorded cases of the virus, with children from younger age groups more susceptible.Outbreaks in Sudan,USA and Nigeria so far ,has no fatalities.


The monkeypox virus completes it's cycle in an average of 21 days. (Incubation/invasion period of 1-5 days and 6-21 day till crusts completely disappear).


Preventive measures include avoidance of close contact with infected persons,thorough boiling of animal meat before consumption and wearing of gloves and other protective materials while dealing with infected animals or humans.

Now you know these facts, share with your friends on social media using the share button below.

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