
Wednesday 11 October 2017

Qualities Your Private Tutor Must Possess

Private tutor with student on Innovative future
It seemed as though she would be leaving Mathematics class once more with the usual dejected face.
Since Franca moved to a new class, she has struggled to cope with maths and as each day goes by, it became apparent that she was only sitting but not learning in class.

How do I get out of this? She thought to herself.

Franca's problem is peculiar to what a lot of students have to face today, perhaps in a different subject class.

In this post we'll consider one of the best options to unravel a difficult class -a private tutor.

Who Is a Private Tutor?

A private tutor is an instructor who gives lessons after the stipulated school hours, usually in a one-on-one or small group setting.

These classes could still be within or outside of the school premises (preferably at home),at a time agreed upon by the tutor and his student(s).
A certified teacher or an older student can be your private tutor.

Why Do You Need A Private Tutor

Franca's dilemma mentioned at the onset can be solved by the introduction of a private tutor.

The private tutor at a time convenient for both parties could employ simpler teaching methods which can help Franca get back on track in Math's class.

Your uphill battle may be in a different subject or perhaps improving academic skills such as handwriting, study habits,essay writing or vocabulary building.

The assistance of the right private tutor can always do the trick for you.
How do you figure out the right private tutor to ameliorate your situation?

Qualities Your Private Tutor Must Possess


We're sure you wouldn't go to a lawyer to get a sickness cured. A doctor would do the job more perfectly.

In the same manner, if you notice the need for a private tutor then, do not settle for anything less than an expert in the field where you need assistance.

For instance, an English teacher would be your best option if you want to improve your vocabulary and speak correct English.A physics master would guide you through if you struggle to understand physics.

This tutor would have a good knowledge of the curriculum and better ways to help you improve.

Note, though that not all acclaimed teachers possess expertise knowledge.

The best tutor might be from a different school, religion or ethnicity. Hence, do not limit yourself to only teachers from your school.

2.Effective Disciplining Skills

You might suffer pointless stress with a stern tutor who would punish your every mistake.

While there are times when a student must be allowed to learn through trial and error, a little reprimand or a mild punishment might be what you need to get over the line.

Your private tutor must be someone who understands this and implements it simultaneously to your benefit.

3.Great Teaching Skills

Recall the reason why you needed a private tutor is because your class teacher isn't doing so great. You therefore need a teacher who can teach effectively.

According to teaching.org ,a good tutor possesses the following,

  • Good communication skill
  • Good classroom management skill
  • Passion for teaching

Before you employ a private tutor , make enquiries about them, preferably from those who have studied at their feet. When a private tutor has a lot of tutorial classes, then we can effectively conclude that they are really good at what they do.

If you can, we advice you experiment with at least three different tutors and then decide which one is the best.

4.Moral Soundness

You might be wondering how this applies to your private tutor, since they will only be organizing subject lessons and not moral classes.

Well, if you get exposed to some immoral forms of dressing, speech or behavior ,then you might be drawing some bad water from the stream without even knowing it. There has been several reported cases of sexual activity between a private tutor and their student.

In the end, your good habits can be replaced with really bad ones at the expense of your academic improvement. That's not a gamble worth taking!
If your tutor is a member of the opposite sex, then classes should be held at an overt place.

Getting someone who has these right qualities can be a huge task but also an achievable one.
We wish you a successful search and also the best tutor!

One more thing, you must now agree a time which suits your need and their schedule.


Getting a private tutor is something you should be giving serious concern esp if you think you need exclusive support and help.
A blend of the aforementioned qualities will serve up the right meal.

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