
Thursday 5 October 2017

CCP - Hospitality Industry

Hospitality industry on Innovative Future
Hospitality can be defined as the generous and cordial reception of guests.

It can be defined also as the reception and entertainment of guests, visiotors or strangers with liberty or goodwill.

Hospitality Management

This is the planning, organising, directing, and controling of human affairs, material resource within the lodging restaurants, institutional and recreational managements and Conventional planning industries.

  • To help guests feel welcomed and relaxed.
  • To provide adequate products and services for the guest.
  • Provides services in view of profit making.
  • To provide comfort, suitable accommodation and safe catering services in a pleasing and satisfying manner to the guests.

Hospitality Industry

This industry is the basic unit of hospitality management and appears to be one of the rapidly growing sectors of the economy, it is productive enough that it creates job opportunities in different areas of interest.

This industry came to life when the missionaries were engaged in the trans-sahara desert trade.

Their missionary work compelled them to to build rest houses and provide catering services after their evangelical work of the day.


  1. The industry makes the service to people both far and near possible.
  2. It provides job opportunities and entertains guests.
  3. Provides relaxation to the guests and transports edibles to people.
  4. It also makes provision for car hire services, telephone services and other electronic mail services


Notable Segments Of Hospitality Industry

The hospitality is arguably divided into three segments which are 

1.Food And Beverage Industry 

This segment is known as the food service industry, it consists of activities which prepares or provides its patronizers with food.

Their main objective is to provide and serve their customers food and beverages.

Food and beverage sector on Innovative future

This industry has proven expertise on the various ways of processing, preparing and serving food and beverages.

They process raw food material, package it and distributes to desired targets. 

Examples of firms under this industry are Nigerian Bottling Company, Nestle foods, Nigerian Breweries Limited.

Importance Of Food And Beverage Industry

  • Most foods are canned, bottled or packaged under this industry. This is to preserve to them for future purposes.
  • Provides adequate knowledge in food and beverages which educates masses on the nutritional benefits of foods.

2.Lodging Industry

Lodging is also known as accommodation. It's a place one can sleep over for one or more nights.

A lodging industry is a business which provides a suitable place for people to sleep the night over. Places such as; Fancy hotels, Youth hostels, Campgrounds, Motels.
The hotels and motels are hospitality environment built either by an individual or or group of persons or by the state or the federal government, having the aim of receiving guests in a friendly manner.

They at times also sell food and beverages to any guest who complys with the necessary documentation and institution of the hotel and pays for the service itself.

Lodging also consists of public areas such as conference rooms which are being rented for events.

Examples of firms under this industry are; Premier Hotel Ibadan, Nellon Nolga Hilton Hotel Abuja.


This is the activity which people do for relaxation, rest and enjoyment. It's sole aim is refreshing people's mind and body.
This segment of hospitality Industry creates avenue for lots of revenue, e.gs are; Apapa Amusement park Port-Hacourt, Onne seaport Port-Hacourt.

Relationship Between The Hospitality Industry And The Catering Trade

Hospitality industry and catering services works hand in glove, they are interwoven. The hospitality industry cannot record a total success without catering trade.

Catering trade covers the feeding and provision of catering services while hospitality industry provides a total package of service to guest which includes cordial reception and serving of food and beverages to guest.

The hospitality industry can be reasonably said to be under the catering trade.......


1.Mention any other segment of Hospitality Industry
2.Outline two functions of the following segments :

  • Lodging industry
  • Recreation industry

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