
Thursday 21 December 2017

How To Stop Teenage Pregnancy In Nigeria

Fighting Teenage Pregnancy In Nigeria
Teenage pregnancy in Nigeria has been described as a 21st-century epidemic.

It has hampered the bright future of several young ladies while rushing them into unprepared motherhood.

Teenage pregnancy is a socially, economically, physically and emotionally complex issue.It is an unplanned and challenging life occurrence that can reroute the life course of a teenager.

The tragic proportions of the problems associated with teen marriage are visibly construed when the impact of a pregnancy upon a frightened teenage girl is considered.
At the very least, she will experience drastic changes in her life that will directly affect not only herself but her family as well as loved ones and the expected baby.

Teenagers are in a period known as the 'bloom of youth' - a time when sexual desires are often at their peak.

Truthfully, being a teenager can be pretty tough as you've got a lot of challenges to deal with, but these years will be more productive when teenagers understand that sexual passion can and must be controlled.

Teenage pregnancy remains one of the rarely discussed problems killing education in Nigeria and its rate will continue to be on the upward curve if these contributing factors are not curbed.

Quick Stat On Teenage Pregnancy In Nigeria 
In 2008, Nigeria was the first African country with adolescent pregnancy: 121 live births out of 1000 births. According to information of 2006, more than 44 million of young Nigerians from 10 – 24 years were pregnant

Factors That Contribute To Teenage Pregnancy In Nigeria 

1.Broken Families

Families which have father and mother living away from each other would in several cases fail to give a child the right training.

2.Curiosity And Over Confidence

Teen years come with the desire to explore and experiment with both good and bad lifestyle.
The curiosity to discover and uncover has led many into experimenting with premarital sex with very little attention given to the final results.

3. Ignorance Of The Consequences Of Sexual Activity

While most young people know the serious consequences of teenage pregnancy, they still try to play until they fail.
The idea is to 'get to the river and then find a way to cross over', but that is never an option when it comes to teenage pregnancy.

4. Rape

Nationwide, rape rate has continued to witness remarkable increase and thus has contributed in a large proportion to the increase in teenage pregnancy amongst students in Nigeria.

5. Poor Home Training

In some parts of the country, sex talk is still considered a taboo in the home, thus, depriving teenagers of a sound knowledge about premarital sex and its grave danger.

6. Peer Pressure

Young minds are easily influenced by their peers to engage in premarital sex and this pressure becomes difficult to defeat when they have learned nothing about sexual defense mechanism at home. 

The desire to belong and not feel left out also contributes to teen pregnancy.

7. Traditions And Customs

Early marriage remains a valid custom in many Nigerian states and has immensely contributed to the growing number pregnant teens in the country.

Babies are betrothed to men who would literally give birth to them and end up being forced to engage in premature sexual activity whenever their older husbands come calling.

Young girls agonizingly loose their virginity even before they come to learn about it. 
This is certainly abnormal!

The health risks attached to teen pregnancy

1.The premature death of the young lady due to inability to bear birth pangs. 
Approximately 1 child of 7 given birth to by an adolescent dies before the first birthday. 

2.The young mother's risk for anemia and postpartum depression is heightened.

3.Babies are usually premature, suffer infant mental retardation, have low birth weight and also are likely to die of asphyxia (suffocation of newborn).

4.High blood pressure or pregnancy-induced hypertension.

Other Consequences Of Teen Pregnancy

  • Tarnished self-image
  • Dropping out of school
  • Early/Single parenthood

As a teenager becoming pregnant is associated with an increased risk for some potentially serious health problems for both the mother and the baby.

Now having known these, in order to prevent teenage pregnancy, a young person needs to have a comprehensive understanding of premarital sex and its dangers. This brings us to ways of fighting teenage pregnancy nationwide.

How To Stop Teenage Pregnancy In Nigeria 

Intellectual productivity is reduced by sexual activity and pregnancy at a young age, therefore the nation's integrity will be better preserved if these measures are implemented.

1. Parental Training

Starting the conversation about sex early and often in the family circle may prove beneficial.

We've gone past the era when talking about sex is considered a taboo in the presence of young people.

To reduce teen pregnancy, parents must share important information such as menstruation, the consequences of premarital sex and some escape routes in the event of a sexual predator with their children.
This way, the young lady can avoid the unhealthy process of learning from their inexperienced friends.

2.Introduction Of Sex Education In Nigerian Schools 

This way, students at the basic and senior levels of education would be better equipped to say NO' to premarital sex, thus reducing the rate of teenage pregnancy in Nigeria.

Teenage Pregnancy Amongst Students
(Image Credits - Naija.com)

Exposure to sensitive topics such as menstruation, sexual harassment masturbation, conception amongst others will help the students decide what would be best for them.

3. Other Sensitization Programs 

Government and Non-governmental organizations must live up to their purpose, by organizing seminars and other public events geared towards sensitizing young people on the dangers of premarital sex and pregnancy.

4. The Role Of Religious Institutions

Young ones at their respective places of worship must be taught valid reasons why they must stay away from premarital sex.

5.Abolition Of Early Marriage

Scrapping off the unhealthy traditions of early marriage will to a large extent reduce the rate of teenage pregnancy in Nigeria. 

The Work Of The Teenagers

Teenagers Can Avoid Pregnancy By

1. Learning Self Control

Student and teenagers alike must attach a sufficient degree of respect to themselves, knowing that they have been charged with the responsibility of setting a good example for the next generation.

They can never achieve that by ruining their lives for a few minutes of momentary pleasure.

2. Taking Cognizance of The Consequences

Teenagers must always lay out the consequences of premarital sex and pregnancy whenever they feel the urge to give in.

Keeping its dangers in mind, scare you away from it.

3. Confiding In An Exemplary Mature Person

When issues about premarital sex arise, teenagers must confide in a trusted adult preferably their parent who would give them the best guide.

It is pertinent to note that sharing this information with the wrong person might ruin your life.

Ways To Cope With Teen Pregnancy

While abstinence from sex remains the only habit that is 100% effective at preventing teenage pregnancy, these simple tips can help already victimized girls cope

  • Get emotional support from your parents or any matured adult
  • Learn parenting skills if you are already a young mother.
  • Get a menial job to support in raising your young child. 
  • Teen pregnancy is not the end of the world, you could also get back to school and achieve your long-term goals after raising your baby. 
  • Victims of teenage pregnancy need physical and emotional support, therefore they must not be stigmatized. 

    Rounding Up On How To Stop Teenage Pregnancy In Nigeria 

    In a densely populated and developing country like Nigeria, reducing pregnancy rate amongst teenagers will check rapid population increase and ensure that there are not so many out of school teenagers roaming the streets. 

    We must all join hands to stop teenage pregnancy in Nigeria. 


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