
Thursday, 11 January 2018

Become A Maths Guru In Seven Simple Steps

Become a maths guru in seven simple steps
Are you scared of maths class and will do anything, just to avoid seeing those numbers and symbols?

That is the ordeal a lot of students face and they eventually end up with poor grades, each time they write a maths test.

Are you jealous of that maths genius in class that will solve and provide answers, even before you pick a pen and paper?

The good news is that you can be like them and even more after reading this post. You can become a maths guru or genius and possess the ability to ace just about any maths test.

Become A Maths Guru In Seven Simple Steps

Step 1
Winning In Your Mind

Your math success and implementation of the next steps to be outlined, begins in your mind.

Rule out the mindset that maths is difficult and that you can never ace it. If others can do it, then you can.

To add to your confidence, you can reflect on a moment when you solved a math problem that seemed difficult.
Use this as a stepping stone and you can withstand the waves that you have to deal with, in your journey to become a maths guru.

Make it a habit to beat your chest and say 'this is possible', anytime you feel like giving up.

Step 2
Pay Close Attention To Math Lectures

Did you miss the word 'close' in the line above?
That is just the extra ingredient you need to spice up the maths flavor.

Do not let your mind wander around, while a teacher explains the step by step method for solving a problem.

The interesting thing about Math is that ,even though the formula and methods may very from topic to topic, they are constant for each topic.
Hence, you can employ the same method anytime you meet a similar problem, and expect to get the right result.

You can never get to know these methods if you aren't paying close attention in class.

Step 3

Yes! That is the simplest way to get better at what you do and in the long run become a maths guru.

Spend a handful of time solving math problems. Make sure to review each step you take to arrive at a particular solution and write them down in a personal formula book.

Just as you learn to drive by driving, you will become a maths guru by practicing.

Do not be scared to attempt math problems!

Step 4
Get A Private Tutor

This tutor complements the effort of your class teacher and sets you up for math success.

Before you choose a private tutor, here are some qualities they must possess.

A private tutor can help you become a maths guru by sharing their math experiences, showing you some shortcuts and helping you find your way around very complex math problems.

Step 5
Teach Others

Teaching other students what you know about mathematics, will strengthen your conviction about how good you are. This boosts your self confidence and inspires you to do more.

More so, you may need to dig out new methods while trying to solve math problems presented by your students.
Yes, you're the teacher now!

Step 6
Compete Against The Best

Do not shy away from the opportunity to test yourself against the best.

Engage in school and inter state Mathematics quiz competition like Cowbellpedia.

For a start though, you will need to constantly test yourself against the maths geniuses in your class or school. It doesn't matter whether they're older. Go test yourself.

If you win. Kudos!
If you don't, then you know where to work on.

Step 7
Keep Setting and Crushing Math Goals

Math never ends. So you must keep learning and seeking out ways to improve what you know.

For starters, you can make it a goal to solve a specific number of problems daily. For the gurus, you can set realistic targets like correctly solving 10 math problems within an hour or less.

Rounding Up

To become a maths guru, a lot of time and effort is needed. But you can be rest assured that it is worth every bit of it.

A clear understanding of mathematics is needed in almost every field of human endeavor and being a guru gives you a slight edge over everyone.

Remember that math genius you're jealous of?
You can beat him by following the aforementioned steps.
Now get to work!


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