
Monday 15 January 2018

6 Effective Teaching Style Students Love

Do you know that a high percentage of students say the reason they doze off in class, is because of the teacher's inability to engage them?

Are you new to the teaching profession or are just seeking out effective teaching styles ,that you can incorporate into your skill set?

Let's get going!

Teaching is really a very worthwhile profession which every teacher, interviewed, will attest to. However, it takes a lot of effort to get students engaged in a classroom.

In fact, it takes a combination of intelligence and some experience to get a class up and running.

Here's what we mean.

An intelligent teacher is one who is abreast with the norms in the subjects he/she is handling.

He knows the subject very well. But one thing is his loophole. That is his inability to convey his service to the comprehension of the students.

This category of a teacher can perform confidently when called up to defend his field. But engaging the children is the utopian task.

On the other hand, an experienced teacher is one who is very dexterous in his field and engages the student in a way that even the conspicuous dullard is carried along.

He knows the perfect teaching method for each student, applies the different instructional procedures for students to do exceptionally well in his field. This teacher will always produce an excellent student in his society.

If you want to combine intelligence and experience then you need to incorporate these teaching styles as well.

Six Effective Teaching Style Students Love

1.Class Engagement and Flashback

A teacher who really wants to succeed in his academic field should engage students after pleasantries.

This is a simple way to prepare the mind of students before a lecture.

True, a teacher should not be a blatant extrovert, but he should be necessarily jovial.

Get the students to chuckle, make them feel at ease by dropping some conventional comic comments. This will go a long way in preparing their mind as "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

After engaging the class, you should drift their minds back to the previous lessons, then ask the students some questions about it.

If there is need for revising the topic, based on a question from the students, do not hesitate.

A lively teacher makes a lovely class session.

2. Being Natural

One of the greatest impediments to a teacher is trying to be a copy-cat.

This makes an unguided, artificial impression on the students.

While it is entirely not wrong to copy a few styles from another teacher, it will be totally wrong to try doing things exactly the same way they do.

When you are not natural, the students lose focus and will not focus on what is said, but on how it is being said.

There is more room for comprehension when a teacher speaks confidently with a high level of naturalness.

This means speaking with your identical voice, making guided gestures, giving ample practical examples and so forth.

When you are natural, your lectures will keep on ringing in a students mind during quiz, examination and even years after they're done with school.

Trying to copy inconsequential method of others will only render your lectures null and void. Please be yourself.

3. Working With An Outline

This concept really prepares the students' minds and they anticipate what you are about to instill in them.

Let the students know the different subheads found in the lesson note, just before you start teaching.

This way, they are able to read between lines during the lecture.

You should endeavor to serially follow the lesson, trying as much as possible to resist the urge to read directly from the notebook.

Mastering this style ensures your students stay with you throughout the class.

4.Using Practical Examples & Illustrations

A good teacher uses fitting and practical illustrations and examples to bring a class to life.

This engages your students mentally and makes it easier for them to recall the main points from a lesson.

Do not use ambiguous or unequivocal examples as it will obscure rather than drive home your point.

A good way to always come up with these example is staying abreast with happenings in the society.

By watching news broadcast, reading pertinent newspapers and engaging in a social group chat, a teacher triggers the ability to give practical examples while teaching.

For practical illustrations, the teacher looks for real life situations that applies to the topic in question.

5.Class Interrogation

A good teacher should not fail to interrogate the students after each period session. Failure to do this is tantamount to talking to a rock.

A teacher who usually fails to do this will find out that his lectures will make more impact on a rock than on the students.

A teacher should consider the:

Affective,Cognitive andEvaluation orientation of the students before leaving the class.

Here's a simple breakdown

Affective orientation means how your lectures affect the students.

Did it affect them negatively or positively?

The cognitive orientation which is the mental process of understanding your lectures.

Did the mental expression of the student validate your lectures? Think twice!

Evaluative orientation is simply the way the children assess your teaching. Are their assessment questionable or satisfactory? You can do this by basically asking " did you understand my lecture"?

A unanimous answer gives evidence that you did a great job.

Also, interrogating students after each lecture makes the topic evergreen in their minds and they can defend it even after so many years.

6. Encouraging Students

Encouraging students in between lectures is another effective teaching style that students love.

Take time to appreciate students for almost every good thing they do in class. Responding to questions, asking questions, solving a problem or simply paying rapt attention.

Following this method, no student(s) should be counted off or relegated to the back ground. Every student is a potential success if only admitted.

Also, after each lecture, a teacher should encourage the students to go home and peruse the lecture.This helps them improve their grades rapidly.

They should broaden their horizon by scavenging for rich textbooks or digging up more google resources for students.

Rounding Up

It may take a while for a teacher to incorporate all six effective teaching styles in this post, we therefore recommend that you try incorporating them one by one.

The title for the best teacher exists in the hearts of your students and if you ever want to win that, then get to work.

Also Read - Qualities Your Private Tutor Must Possess


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