
Wednesday 17 January 2018

How To Speak Confidently As A Student

How to speak confidently as a student
Have you ever stood up to speak in public and then stutter, up to the point you forget what you wanted to say?

Or perhaps you looked up to the crowds and then fear and tension gripped you?

That is a normal experience for a new speaker, but one you should work at overcoming if you ever dream of success in public speaking as a student.

The power to move people to action by your words has become one of the money mines in today's world and with great effort, you can do more than address people confidently.
You can get paid a huge fortune for speaking to an audience.

That's what Tony Robbin's does!

Now, apart from being a medium for expressing your thoughts on a certain issue, confident public speaking is one of the many effective teaching styles that students love.

But, how can you as a student, master the act of speaking confidently, to just about anyone or group of people?

These tips outlined will sure be of help.

How To Speak Confidently As A Student

1.Have The Right Desire

If the reason why you want to speak confidently as a student is simply to show off, then it often becomes difficult to achieve this.

The desire to improve should be solely borne out of your wish to become excellent at reaching people's heart with spoken words.

When you have this desire, you will always be motivated to do more.
This desire also helps you to develop a positive view of every matter, this, keeping you fit to fight any challenges that come your way.

2.Take Practice Sessions

Constant practice creates room for improvement.
The more time you spend practicing on something you're not so good at, the more you are perfected at it.

It's not guaranteed you'll be extremely good at a thing without at least few practice sessions but when you pick out time to give it a try, you get an edge in getting acquainted with it.

So schedule a few minutes, make some practice, pick out a topic that interests you, gather facts about the topic and when alone speak audibly on the topic.

Record yourself practicing and get someone to listen to, and rate each performance.

In no time, you'll sure be an eloquent speaker.

3.Drill Your Vocabulary

This plays an important part in helping you speak confidently as a student.

When you can't speak fluently, it will be a milestone to you when the talk of public speaking comes up, so there's need to build your vocabulary.

It is one of the simplest things you can do. Look up at least nine new words in the dictionary daily and look for ways to apply them in day to day speech.

If you come across a new word while listening to someone or reading a notice. Do not hesitate to look them up as well.

This way, you learn faster.

4.Emulate Professionals In Your Field

There are people who have successfully built themselves and are already great public speakers. You have a lot to learn from them.

You can look up and follow eloquent speakers on their social media handles.
Closely watching their performance videos can help you speak confidently as a Student.

Another option could be going to some people you admire their public speaking skills, for advice and assistance.

Attend seminars that are geared towards helping you improve your public speaking skills.

5. Be Courageous

It might take time to master the art of public speaking and might be downhearted but don't let that get to you.

When you let go of shyness and pride, you are sure building your courage to be able to speak confidently as a student.

When you fail the first time, the race is not yet lost, still get up and run.

6. Speak For Free At Events

Always snap up opportunities to speak at public events, especially within your school.

This provides the best platform to test yourself and possibly discover areas you need to improve on.

Rounding Up

The best professional public speakers you know never achieved that status in a day.

So be patient, the results will surely show up if you keep working. Yes, you can speak confidently as a student and perhaps get on the road to achieving even more success as a professional.


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