
Sunday 21 January 2018

How To Settle Down Quickly At A New School

How to settle down quickly at a new school
Did you know?

The process of moving to and settling down at a new school has a huge psychological effect on a student.

In some cases, it is often discovered that some students never really settle down at a new school, up to their graduation.

Some, however seamlessly beat the challenge and quickly adapt to their new environment like fish to water.

Granted, it requires a lot of time and effort to settle at a new school.


Your new school probably has a different environment. You'll get introduced to a different set of teachers and classmates.
A blend of this could serve up frustration, discouragement and has even thrown some off-balance academically.

The good news is that settling down in a new school does not have to be totally stressful.

We have put together the best tips to help you settle down quickly in a new school.

How To Settle Down Quickly At A New School

1.Make New Friends

The easiest way to settle down in a new school is to make new friends who are old members of the school.

These friends can help you out with some difficulties that you may encounter in the school and also show you around.

How can you make new friends at a new school?

Maintain a cheerful approach. Always wear a smile and do not turn down opportunities to get together with your new classmates.
Reach out to anyone who seems friendly and start a conversation, perhaps by asking

'Have you ever moved to a new school'?

2.Give a Good Impression

It is a well known saying that first impressions are lasting impressions. This is applicable when trying to settle down in your new school.
Always remember that how you act in your new school is how they will think of you.

3.Learn the School Rules and Regulations

This helps you stay away from trouble, at least until you get well acquainted with your new environment.

Do not presume that your new school will not have regulations that may differ from what is obtainable at your former school.

Being marked as a defaulter will not aid your course to settle down quickly, so get to know the rules and try to keep them.

4. Get Acquainted With The School Environment

Do not isolate yourself in a corner when you get to a new school.

Taking a walk around your new environment at every opportunity makes it easier for you to find your way around and to obey the rules of the school better.

Get to know places like the school library, staff corner, workshop, sports ground, and science laboratory.

5.Be Serious About Your Studies

Taking your studies seriously in your new school makes it possible for you to get in line with the school's academic activities.

This also paves the way for you to get the most out of the lessons being taught and maybe get a chance to speak to potential friends.

ALSO, READ - How to Study and Understand All School Subjects In A Few Weeks

6.Get to Know Your Teachers

You probably miss your best teacher at your former school, but dwelling on that will never help you settle down quickly at your new school.

Your new best teacher is waiting!.

Take time to find out more about teachers in your new school, including such things as how strict or lenient they are, how they interact with their students as well as their method of teaching.

If possible make out time to talk to them.

But remember, you should not overdo this as some teachers may see it as being too nosy and this could land you in trouble.

Here are six tricks to help you become your teachers favorite.

7.Pay Attention in Class

As a new student, teachers always pay attention to you in order to discern the type of student you are.

Therefore, you need to pay close attention when lessons are going on and try as much as possible to avoid anything that will distract you.

Yes, even if you're not the best listener in the world, just try to be active during classes.

8. Join School Club /Communities

This is the quickest way to get social when you move to a new school.

Find out about the different clubs or student communities that exist in the school. Join any that matches your passion.

This opens the way for you become friends with people who share similar interests.
Joining these communities will also expose you to a wide range of activities being carried out in the school.

9.Be Optimistic

Always expect the best even when your efforts to settle down isn't yielding quick results.

If you give up, then you will never know how close you were to success.

10.Be Yourself

Never forget that while you might be trying to settle down in your new school, you should never try to be anybody but yourself. Stay around people who you can feel free with not just those who are popular as you may be tempted to pretend.

Rounding Up

Moving to a new school can really be an enjoyable experience if you stay on your feet and try to implement these tips.

Are there other measures that helped you settle down quickly in a new school?

Share with us in the comments.


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