
Saturday 8 July 2017

When To Say 'NO' To A Friendship (Ted's Story) Episode 2

When to say no to a Friendship

It was the most trending party in class at every single time of the year it comes up.
Kelvin's parents always made sure their son got whatever he asked for as he was their only  child. On the occasion of this birthday however, an unavoidable business trip sent them to the outskirts of the town. Click to continue reading.
Continued from Episode 1

They made sure of providing everything Kelvin would need for his birthday and he invited all his friends over.

That evening Ted lied to his parents that he was going to collect his notebook from a friend leaving nearby.

Unbeknownst to Ted, his new gang guys had set up Laura to lure him to have sex with her.

Everywhere was already buzzing when Ted stepped into Kelvin's home. Loud music was accompanied by cheers of his classmates. He had never seen them this wild!. He calmly walked up to his friends who were sitted in front of a table filled with lots of beer.

First, they had some bottles of beer which they have become accustomed to. Ted requested for a soft drink instead, but after some taunting remarks, he agreed to take a bottle of beer. They were already on three bottles then, and urged him to take more. Before he finished the second bottle, Ted was intoxicated. He could barely say words audibly with his senses already switched off.

Having approached Ted at his weakest point,Laura succeeded in luring him to bed.

Ted felt so devastated when he woke up at midnight to discover a girl lying beside him.

' What have I done? ' he screamed. Laura woke up, said nothing and quietly left the room.

Ted left the room in sheer despair and walked home. Their home was only a few minutes away, but in this instance, it seemed to be the longest journey he has had to make.

Now he has lost his virginity which he has preserved for a long time now. That however was only a tip of an iceberg .At this point, He didn't realise what grave mistake he has committed.

To be continued..


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