
Saturday 19 August 2017

The Final Laugh - Ken's Story (Final Episode)

It was a Monday morning when the school bell rang for a gathering of the students.
The school principal had summoned the students to announce who would represent the school for the Maths competition.

Francis and his friends were already in high spirits when the principal enthused,

'We know there is a only one young Pythagoras in this school to represent us for this state competition.
He is no other than 'Kenneth Godwin!'.

Everyone in the school except for Francis and his friends, cheered out loudly. The applause and joy of everyone was clear to see.

Ken had climbed up to the stage at this point!

'How is he managing to walk ?', Francis still astonished, asked his friends.

The principal continued,

'We thought we would miss him for this competition but by God's infinite mercy, the doctor has declared him fit after a series of scan'

The cheers resounded, with Ken's face glowing with a smile now. His friends Ben and Festus were leading the cheers.

Francis and Co at this stage exited the scene with their eyes filled with a cloud of tears.

Just In Case You Missed - EPISODE 2

Ken now set out with advanced preparations for the maths competition. He relentlessly studied night and day to get ready for it.

On the day of the competition, Ken was fully prepared. He tore through the questions as though he was the one who had prepared them. He was done before other students and he stepped out confidently, knowing he has delivered maximally.

Francis and his friends, as well as Ken's friends and family were in attendance when the results of the competition was announced a week later.

The minister of education announced,

'The winner of this year's mathematics competition is 'Kenneth Godwin of Treasured Scholars College '

Ken leaped up in joy, with his parents sitted beside him joining the celebrations.
There was great roars of cheers from every corner of the stadium with his schoolmates and teachers leading the cheers.
The principal shook Ken's hand and thanked him for doing their school proud.

The Governor followed next with what was Ken's biggest handshake since birth. Ken had goose bumps with that special feeling like he was on another planet.

The governor presented the cheque of ₦300,000 to Ken and praised him for winning the competition. He encouraged Ken never to rest on his laurels and continue to work.

In his concluding speech, Ken humbly acknowledged the effort of the school and his friends and family in helping him win the competition.

He also spoke about how a friend's opposition encouraged him to put in more effort.

Francis and his friends were at the back stage now with eyes firmly fixed on the shinning floor tiles.

Just In Case You Missed - EPISODE 1

He concluded,
'Now I've learnt from this experience that he who laughs last laughs best. In fact, it feels good to have to final laugh!

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