
Thursday 12 October 2017

First Aid In Cosmetology

First Aid In Cosmetology On Innovative Future
First aid is the provision of initial care to an illness or injury until proper medical treatment can be rendered.

It is a general series of simple and in some cases, life saving techniques that an individual can be trained to perform with few basic equipments.

First aid in cosmetology refers to what must be done to ensure that any injuries which occur in the office of a cosmetologist is properly managed.

Aims Of First Aid

  • To preserve life
  • To prevent further harm/injuries.
  • To promote quick recovery

Contents Of An Equipped First Aid Box

This is used to secure dressings made to the wound.

Used in cleaning wounds and washing out foreign bodies.

Antiseptic wipes or sprays
This is used for reducing the risk of infection in abrasions or other wounds.

This is used in cutting materials for dressing or flesh itself.

Alcohol Pads
This is used for sanitizing equipments or broken skin.

This is used in measuring the body temperature of the affected individual.

Cotton wool
This is used In applying medications and cleanqing of wounds.

Primarily used for pains and also serves as an anti-platelet.

Pain killers
This is used to reduce pains and some include paracetamol, panadol.


Hydrogen peroxide

Basic First Aid Treatment Procedures For Cosmetologists

Treatment for Burns

Burns could result when the cosmetologist or their clients mishandles a hot equipment such as the blow dryer.
The seriousness of the burn depends on the amount of burnt surface area, body part burnt and age of the victim.

Applying First Aid Treatment To Burns

  • Use a wet soft cloth to cool the area.
  • Continue with cooling the affected area to relieve the burning sensation.
  • Remove any tightening material, most importantly those around the burnt area.
  • Once the burning sensation is relieved, clean up the burnt area with cotton wool soaked with aspirin.
  • Then continue with dressing up the burnt area.

Treatment For Cuts

A cut is an injury involving opening in the skin and is usually caused by sharp objects such as scissors or blade. While this is usually unintentional, loss of blood results at the event of a cut.

Applying First Aid Treatment To Cuts

  • Clean up wound with clean water.
  • Remove dirts in the wound using cotton soaked in aspirin or hydrogen peroxide.
  • Apply an anti-biotic ointment, e.g iodine.
  • Dress and bandage the wound.
  • If bleeding persists, then apply gentle pressure till bleeding seizes.
It is also recommended that a cosmetologist have access to hospital emergency units at all times. This can be really helpful at the incident of a serious mishap.


A good cosmetologist should be able to administer basic first aid procedures promptly. Hence, we advice you learn these procedures as soon as you can. It could save a life someday!

Exercises On First Aid In Cosmetology

1.List five other items found in a first aid box
2.Try to administer first aid treatment at the next sight of a minor accident.


1 comment:

Matias said...

There are a number of institutes offering first aid courses today. They will instruct you in all types of first aid techniques that will help you on a day-to-day basis. Life is humanity's most valued possession. First aid courses are truly rewarding because they save lives. first aid courses

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