
Saturday 1 July 2017

When To Say 'NO' To A Friendship (Ted's Story) Episode 1

It was a rainy Monday morning and like every other school day,
Ted had gotten up very early to prepare for school.

Instead of the warm smile that is seen on his face every morning, he was looking dejected. A thought had been lingering on his mind throughout the weekend and it seemed he had to make a decision faster ,now that he was about to face his opponents (friends).

They used to be very close friends since childhood but he really could no longer explain  their actions since they turned teenagers. John and Chris had experienced a dip in morals.

It all began with skipping classes, next they joined a bad gang, started smoking and gambling with the most  worrisome to Ted being that they have started having sex.

Since they had been close friends, Ted never wanted to do anything to hurt them. Thus, he didn't inform their parents or even his own parents about the change in their habits. He has even helped them cover up their crimes with his trickery and lies on some occasions. That wasn't his problem now, anyway as he has gotten accustomed to doing that.

John and Chris has been mounting increased pressure on him to join their gang. Ted had already started missing classes ,but to them that was merely a preamble.
Before Ted left for home on Friday, they had firmly told him to either join them or stop being their friend.

They wanted a response and Ted promised to give them an answer on Monday.

Ted didn't want to lose his childhood friends neither did he want to give in to their unhealthy pressure to join them in what he knew was a wrong course. That was the thought he was battling with that morning till he stepped into the school gate.

Ted had barely gotten into the classroom when they came up to him.
'So what's your answer Ted?' they asked with eyes firmly fixed in his eyeballs.
The pressure got to him and Ted made a decision he would come to regret in the long run.

'I will join your gang guys' Ted muttered.
They embraced him and made fake promises to always stand by his side.

Ted never knew he was signing his downfall.
Series of events that unfolded within a year only affirmed he had made the wrong choice.

For a start, they hooked him up with a very beautiful girl in class ,Laura. Laura was a brilliant girl but just like Ted, her friends has succeeded in ruining her moral life. She has had an affair with half of the boys in the class and Ted was next.

It was at a classmate's birthday party that Ted's life was properly ruined.

Continue to Episode 2


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