
Tuesday 15 August 2017

Guide To Building A Great Study Team

Building A Great Study Team
Together everyone achieves more.
Two heads are better than one and unity is power. How often do you hear these?

If you have achieved any success by a combination of minds then you have a near perfect understanding of why you need to build a great study team.

An African proverb 'If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together' summarizes the reason why you need a team.

What Is A Study Team ?

A union of two or more persons (in this case, students) who pursue similar interests in a particular subject or course with the ultimate goal being, helping each member improve.
This post on Cambridge Assessment explains the concept of learning without teachers.

A great example of a team goal could be getting a better understanding of physics, improving your vocabulary, getting better at mathematics or improving public speaking skills.

Together Everyone Achieves More
(Together Everyone In The Team Can Achieve More)

If you're still hesitant, here are some hard to resist benefits you get by building a study team.

-Further Understanding Of A Course And Improved Research Work

Your chances of understanding a course are improved by working with a team of people who are in the same race as you.

When the students in a study team collate ideas ,they will get wider knowledge of a lesson or course.

Research work is also promoted as each student will be more eager to get answers to enable him make a contribution when the lesson will be studied as a team.

-Discipline And Self-control

By virtue of the class being held by only students,there is a chance for the students to build self-control and discipline.
Students in the team learn to play by the rules or get ex-communicated by the team.

-Development Of Leadership Skill 

Qualities pertinent to leadership such as team spirit and humbleness can be acquired from a study team.


Everyday study is done under the guidance of a member of the study team (probably you or someone else).
The study guide thus can get first hand experience of what it means to carry people along.

That is what leaders do!

-Build High Self-esteem and Eliminate Inferiority 

A student who feels shy to speak in public, can easily learn to do that by continuous participation in the activities of the team
The individual also begins to feel important because of his contributions to the team, thereby eliminating inferiority.

Some other benefits of a study team.

  • It helps to build positive relationship among scholars.
  • It encourages you to study more,thereby reducing examination malpractice.
  • It helps you make better use of their time .Yes! Rather than whirl it away.

Now, you know what you have been missing by not belonging to or building a great study team.

Here's how to go about it.

How To Build Your Own Study Team

1.Choose Your Team Mates

Finding a group of students in the same field of study as you, who would buy your idea and form a study team can be really challenging.

Here are some traits to watch out for in potential study team mates.


This is what really determines who is qualified to be on your study team.

Anyone who displays genuine interest in joining your study team can easily acquire all other traits on this list.

Willingness To Work

Engaging a lazy person in a study team might end up sapping the zeal you have to work with a team.
Hence, only pick those whose work and study habits, show that they'd like to work with you to get better.

Team Spirit 

This trait will ensure there's cooperation within your study team and could make even the most complex task seem simple.
It should be a real collaboration where everyone plays a role in ensuring the team's continuity.

Pertinent Knowledge 

For the particular course you are venturing into, every member of the study team must have a handful of useful knowledge to give out.

Now, you might wonder how many people could be in your study team.

Size Of A Study Team

A study team doesn't really have to be a crowd, so if you can get one or more persons with same mindset, you're set!

2.Choose A Study Time

A convenient study time suitable for each member of the study team should be agreed upon ,with each member taking part in the decision making process.

The team's study time must never encroach with school study time ,so that you don't get to miss any lectures or attract the ire of your lecturers.

Once you have a scheduled time, encourage members of the team to be punctual.

3.Set Targets 

Now you must set both personal and team goals to help track the progress you'll make while with the team.

Since we are sure you wouldn't love to be running round a circle or whirl away your time even though you have a team, here are some potential ways to track your progress

  • Taking improvised exams after each lesson
  • Competing with someone/people in the same field
  • Writing a book on the course and lots more.

So, we are done here!

Now you have a guide to build a great study team.


The strong foundation of a building is what keeps it standing during stormy times.

You can build a strong foundation for your study team by imbibing what you've taken time to read now.

So, get to work!

Wait? If you already have a study team, then we'd love to learn from you.

Share your experiences in the comments section.

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