
Saturday 12 August 2017

The Final Laugh - Ken's Story (Episode 2)

During a preparatory class for the mathematics competition
attended by students, Ken left his school bag on the desk with his mathematics notebook on top.

Ben and Festus watched from close range, while Ken excused himself from the class to answer nature's call.

Ken had barely left the classroom when Francis, thinking that no one was watching, snapped up Ken's notebook.
Ben and Festus immediately walked up to him.
They gently made him return the note, as Ken had clearly stated that they were not to create a scene. Everything was now clear for them to understand.

They had sound confirmation that Francis was trying to kick Ken out of the picture, so that he could represent the school in his place. Ken knew he had to be careful from now on.

However, it was what followed next that made Ken regret, not reporting Francis to the school authority.

It was during the school's sport time. Ken and Francis were playing on opposite sides of a soccer team. Ken scored twice but had to be stretchered off just after that!

Francis went in with a tough tackle ,that twisted Ken's ankle. Ken could barely walk.

Fran's really knew what he was doing. No one would send someone with a twisted ankle to represent the school in a mathematics competition, he thought to himself.

Ken knew he had screwed up a bit, he has done his best to avoid Francis up till now, only to lose his guard with only one week left to the competition. What was he gonna do now.
Meanwhile, he had to walk around with a clutch and a bandaged ankle.

See Also : 'When To Say 'NO' To A Friendship'

Francis celebrated this supposed victory with his partners in crime.


The laughter echoed down the hall where they were chilling with a bottle of soft drink each.

'Francis',  called with enthusiasm. 'you are a genius. I salute your cleverness. Even the P. E teacher never believed you did that on purpose.
From this day, I name you Albert Einstein Jr.'

The boys laughed sarcastically once more. Sipped the last drop of the drinks on their bottles and left their meeting place.

It was now two days to the actual competition.

Francis and his friends were also eagerly awaiting the announcement of the name of the student to represent the school. Of course, he knew it was going to be him but he just needed that confirmation.

The confirmation he got was however the least of everything he expected.

To be continued...

in case you missed the first episode, read it here.


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